Sheila Ghidini
June 1 - July 27, 2012
Sheila Ghidini
June 1 - July 27, 2012
Chandra Cerrito Contemporary
Only in Things
Some days, who can stare at swathes of sky,
leafage and bad-complected whale-gray streets, tailpipes and smokestacks orating sepia exhaust,
or the smaller enthusiasms of pistil and mailbox key, and not weep for the worldʼs darks on lights, lights on darks,
how its halftones stay unchanged in their changings,
or how turning wheels and wind-trash and revolving doors,
This constant stream of qualia we feel in our stomachs. The big-leafed plant lifts its wings to greet the planetʼs chemistry,
the sun arrives on rooftops like a gentle stranger, rain rushes us
love to love, stop to stop, these veins of leaf, hand, storm and stream,
as if in pursuit of us and what we are becoming.
W.S. Di Piero
Drawing is my means of observation and of paying close attention. An attempt to capture the way in which light (or the absence of light) moves across surfaces of ordinary objects is compelling to me. Using the simple tool of a pencil to translate the varying degrees of value change, has captivated me from a very early age. Through observing and recording ordinary objects, I have studied the way in which light reacts with form and surface, translating this information onto paper.
My installations are site specific. Place, memory and in this installation, In a field of emerging forms, the mechanics of drawing, are a focus. Since drawing representation- ally predicates a means of creating illusions, essentially making a flat surface look if though it has depth, as well as length and width, questions about what is real and what is illusionary come to the forefront.
Sheila Ghidini