Chandra Cerrito Contemporary


  1. 1)JPEGS Please submit 12-20 JPEGS approximately 200 DPI at 7 inches in the longest direction. Each jpeg should be under 2 MB. Each email should be under 5 MB, Label jpegs as


"Lastname.title,dateofcreation.medium(abbreviated).hxwxdinches. price.jpg”

2) Image list includes title, medium, dimensions (H X W X D) retail price and availability

3) Artist resume in word or pages (not .pdf)

4) Artist statement in word or pages (not .pdf)

  1. 5)Complete contact information, including a link to artist website (if available)

  2. 6)send submissions to

480 23rd Street

Oakland, California 94612

Gallery: 510.260.7494

Director: 415.577.7537

Gallery Hours

Thursday-Saturday 12-6 pm

First Fridays until 9pm

& by appointment